Tag Archives: hygienist

The Saga of the Dental Chair

AT LAST the dental chair is in place.

For those who remember the dental chair in the porch, here is its journey.

It was a fantastic ebay purchase which had sat in a garage for two years until we bought it.  We hired a van, went to collect it and it weighed a ‘ton’, but two men got it into the van.

One man got it out of the van and into the porch where it remained the best part of a year and then one man moved it into the reception.  There it remained for 3 months and then a community payback team of 4 strong men moved it into the foyer at the bottom of the stairs (great work lads!!).

We were advised it was too heavy and therefore a health and safety hazard to move up the stairs.  So there it remained for another two weeks.  We asked a well known moving organisation to assess the chair and give us a quote to move it upstairs and into place.  They came round and had a look, shook their head and said “oooh its really heavy”.  Da!!

Unperturbed we called another well know removal firm the subject of TV programmes.  Their advice – “You could take it apart, that would make it easier for us to move”.  Da!! if we had wanted to take it part we would not need a removal firm.

ANYONE ELSE WOULD HAVE TAKEN THIS AS A SIGN THAT THIS CHAIR IS NOT MEANT TO GO UPSTAIRS AND GIVE UP.  This thought was entertained for a moment or two.  But knowing full well that anything is possible we turned to Google and found a removal company who said “yes of course we can move it”.

Now that’s more like it.  A can do attitude even in the face of adversity.  Many Thanks  Small Movers.

AT LAST the chair is now in place and we can progress.  We will keep you updated.